JayMulk Media is geared to be your go to recording option. Whether that be podcast, interviews, storytelling, legacy videos or even promotional material.

It stemmed from a passion of our owner, Jason (JayMulk) Mulkin, to be available to help those that don’t quite know what to do when it comes to telling their story. This is for small businesses, nonprofits, and individuals alike.

JayMulk Media won’t be a marketing firm or a graphic design company. We even actively avoid doing any social media management! We won’t control or have input on how you use your finished product. We simply just want to help you finish your video or audio project.

We are here to save you time in telling your story.

Jason Mulkin (JayMulk) - Owner

It’s really a fascination, or obsession, to craft something uniquely beautiful and I truly feel at home when I can do this behind a camera, behind a microphone, or in the editing shop.

Jason Mulkin is the owner of JayMulk Media, L.L.C.

Originally from Seattle, Washington, Jason has had a unique journey to becoming a business owner in film editing—

It simply is a passion of mine in finding ways to tell amazing stories. Everyone has one and that’s the joy of it!

I was a teenager when Windows Movie Maker became readily available on home computers and would spend hours redoing movie trailers, making home movies, and helping out our high school drama class. This passion continued as I reached into adulthood as I always found myself making short videos and editing long, feature length films for church communities and non-profits.

As a former music director and current musician, I also have a fondness for great audio. And, as we know, 70% of a great video is great audio. So, these worlds live hand-in-hand.

During the Covid-19 pandemic, we had to look at our life and determine where we wanted to be with our lives moving forward. This brought us to ask the question, “What’s our passion?” So we came back to video editing.

I had a wonderful opportunity in helping multiple churches in the Walla Walla area during the pandemic craft a vision and implement live-stream audio and visual equipment. The love for producing good audio and visuals, with my experience, really helped us navigate this new realm of broadcasting for churches and their volunteers.

It’s really a fascination, or obsession, to craft something uniquely beautiful and I truly feel at home when I can do this behind a camera or in the editing shop.