Our Services

  • An Interview

    We conduct a one-on-one interview with the storyteller. This can be either in-person or via video conference call.

    The final product will be a 60 - 90 minute interview without any additional material added or edited in.

    No editing available. Client will receive an unedited version of the interview.

  • An Interview + Family Photos or Video

    We conduct a one-on-one interview with the storyteller with additional photos or video included in the final video product.

    The final product will be between 30-90 minutes in length.

    The final product will include scanning or digitizing family photos and/or video.

    Video editing provided.

  • Family Documentary Video

    We conduct multiple family interviews in addition to capturing B-Roll of family activities.

    We will schedule a time for JayMulk to follow the family for 2-4 hours as they partake in family activities as to capture as much of the family life and story as possible.

    The final product will be between 60 - 120 minutes in length.

    We will also scan family photos and include family videos within the final documentary video.

    Video editing provided.

  • Audio Stories

    Whether it be just you or a group of your closes friends or family, we can capture the story being told!

    An audio story simple takes the storyteller speaking into a microphone.

    Professional level audio capturing and editing included.

    Final product ranges from 10 - 60 minutes.